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How to find the exact value for your domain?

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Munish Chopra
June 29, 2009

Munish Chopra

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Like other products domain names also high resale value. To find the value of the domain name some day, get a domain appraisal done to find the estimate domain price. Generally the domain name is appraised on some certain factors and some of them are:


  1. Marketability
  2. Clarity
  3. Memorability
  4. Popularity
  5. Extension
  6. Length
  7. Words
  8. Hyphens
  9. Numerals
  10. Substitutions
  11. Abbreviations.

Domain name price depends upon certain factors which include some technical factors. The most important factor is the extension of your domain. A domain name with .com extension can fetch more money than other extensions like .net, .org or .info. Another extremely important consideration is the number of words it contains. Domains containing single words are easy to remember and are very valuable. Combination of Single word domains and .com extensions can bring you large amount of money.  Two word domains can also be quite valuable, as long as the domain name can easily be monetized, and the TLD is of high quality. The value decreases when domain name have three or more words. Domain name price depends upon the attractiveness of your domain name. Domains names which are easy to remember have high market value. A domain name having hyphen (-) will fetch you less money as it is difficult to write and say.


There are several domain name appraisal service providers on the web. These websites offer services like free automated domain appraisals. They survey the traffic, no. of back-links of your domain and gives you estimated price of your domain.

Manual domain appraisal services are also available but they are quite expensive. Your bill can shoot your budget if you are having multiple domains.


You can find several free domain appraisal services providers on the web. These websites gives you estimate price for your domain without any charge. One such domain appraisal service provider through which an estimate domain price can be obtained is

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Title: Domometer September 13, 2010
Comment by hero

I think the value of a domain name is worth only as much as someone's willing to pay you for it. You could be stupid enought to sell a awesome domain names for $900 when it could have fetched you a 10x more if you were smarter in dealing with your buyers.

I really admire how Domometer does it in evaluating domain names. It doesn't fix a price tag for a domain name, it will just tell you whether it is a good domain name or not, in terms of grades from F to A+. It leaves it upto you to how much to buy or sell for. I highly recommend Domometer to anyone trying to anaylze the quality of domain names.

Just my two cents.

Title: domain value calculetor May 19, 2010
Comment by anju

yes this is the write way to calculate domain value.

Title: estimator October 21, 2009
Comment by lisa

Hi! I’ve found another site valuation tool and it seems to provide competitive analysis for free. I'm talking about .The estimation provided by estimix is the result of a complex analysis based on factors like: the age of the website, the demographic structure of the traffic, the countries where the website is popular and sources of the traffic.

Title: Domain Value July 4, 2009
Comment by Nasy Mylanchi

A worth paying article presented.



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