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Tips For A Better Business Website

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Jenna Cyprus
May 05, 2021

Jenna Cyprus
Jenna Cyprus has written 8 articles for DomainInformer.
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The current times require that any business hoping to last for a while have an maintain a decent digital presence.  The internet is the outlet to the world, and your business deserves a shot at a wider consumer base.  

Building an excellent business website is the key to gaining ground online.  If you invest in the design and upkeep of your website pages, you’ll find far more success in this digital world in which we live.  

Make your site mobile responsive

Mobile responsiveness should be a standard from the very beginning of your digital journey.  Mobile web users make up more than half of the traffic your new website will experience once it launches, so it’s key to make sure you build with mobile users on the mind.  

A mobile-ready website displays and functions without trouble on a range of today’s most popular mobile devices.  Take the time to really dig into what aspects of your site are most important for mobile users, and make the necessary adjustments along the way.  

Build an easy to use website 

The usability of your business website is important.  People won’t worry themselves much about figuring out how to use your website if it’s too difficult, and they will hurriedly move onto the next result in their search.  

The simplest element of an easy to use website is navigation.  Make it easy for users to explore your content by adding a stationary navigation bar for movement.  This apparel line for veterans displays the true nature of a great navigation design.  

Invest in building your SEO skills

Search engine optimization is important for true visibility online.  Learning to craft digital pages that rank well in the Google search results will work wonders for boosting your company’s visibility on the web.  

Search engine optimization is the umbrella term for all the things you need to know to have your website rank first in the SERPs (search engine results pages).  Study up on the concepts of SEO, and apply what you’ve learned as you design your website pages.  

Use your design to boost communication

Think of engagement and communication as you set up your business website, and find exciting ways to get web users on board with talking.  Having your finger on the pulse of your target consumer is important, and a great communication effort will help push you towards that goal.  

Don’t forget about social media

Social media has its own load of work you’ll need to do to keep up, but linking the hustle of social media into your website design is also super useful.  Add social media sharing icons to your website design, and give passing users the chance to share their find with friends and family.  

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