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Two Peas Consulting Announces a Trademark Friendly Alt-DNS Which Eliminates '.com and .org' Extensions

July 7, 2009; 09:53 AM

SAN JOSE, Calif., July 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Two Peas Consulting, LLC released an alternative, "non-categorized" domain name system which expands the current domain name system and protects businesses holding a trademark from 'cyber-squatters' and subsequent litigation. 'Simplified Domains' utilizes the Dynamic Word DNS "DWDNS" (patent pending) to eliminate any need for the familiar extensions like .com, .net and .org and new extensions like .biz and .info. Using DWDNS, an Internet address is created simply by placing back a dot three spaces from the end of a word. The DWDNS system protects trademark holders by comparing requested domain names to the USPTO.GOV and other world trademark databases. If an attempt is made to register a trademarked word or name, DWDNS places the registration into a manual method whereby proper documentation is required to complete the registration process.

"The system is simple, hence the name" says Dave Lalande the systems creator and the company's Managing Member. "Any word or words can be used as domain names. For example, '' now changes to 'wallstreetw.iki'. We developed a browser add-on for Mozilla Firefox so a user can simply type a word into the address bar and a period is placed three spaces back, therefore alleviating the need for the user to place the period." Two Peas is currently authoring add-ons for Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and other Web browsers.

DWDNS is a "non-categorized" domain name system. Bypassing a focus on categorization, DWDNS is able to expand the current domain name system with ~46,000 new extensions by using every possible three digit combination of A-Z and 0-9. DWDNS is user-friendly because using three digits is familiar to Internet users. DWDNS expands on only the three digit combinations not currently in use such as .com, .net, .org, et al.

Nearly twelve years ago, while working on an agriculture Web portal for a state farm bureau, Lalande created the system. It was then that he realized that a partnering company did not own their domain name. "Two things dawned on me at that time," said Lalande.

"First, the current 'categorized' domain name system is an ideal that does not, in practice, exist. If you try to put domains in buckets - such as '.com' meaning commercial and '.org' meaning not-for-profit - without a system to police the categories, you will end up with not-for-profits using .com and for-profit companies using .org."

"Second, if a domain name system has no checks and balances in place for trademark infringement, it is possible for anyone to register someone else's trademarked name. All that a dispute resolution policy achieves is lawyer involvement to reclaim a name, thereby increasing costs. Every time ICANN releases a new top-level domain 'TLD', businesses have to register the new domain extension to match their current .com in order to protect their brands."

"We realize the system will need mass Internet adoption before the names can be widely used," said Lalande. "We have a world class root server system in place using Amazon's Cloud to demonstrate its effectiveness." A Simplified Domain name is currently available for subscription from for $75.00 per year.

ABOUT TWO PEAS CONSULTING, LLC: a Web/Internet innovation company, Two Peas Consulting works toward Internet public policy objectives and user efficiency. Along with Simplified Domains, Two Peas has also developed a mouse-over mechanism for automated information called "Total Information Pages."

Dave Lalande, Managing Member
Two Peas Consulting, LLC
Tel.: 408-416-3571
Email: [email protected]
Website URL:




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