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Phoenix, Arizona Technology Company Announces Issuance of Prospectus for New Type of Investment: Internet Domain Names

February 5, 2007; 12:38 AM

DotVentures, LLC announces the issuance of a prospectus for a new type of investment: Internet domain names. The company positions investors to leverage the meteoric growth of search engine marketing with the boom in online real estate to create a unique Internet investment opportunity.

DotVentures, a Phoenix based firm, monetizes premium domain names by constructing fully optimized, keyword researched, websites and infusing them with a proprietary technology designed to maximize search engine rankings. DotVentures’ proprietary technology essentially “levels the playing field” in domain name investing allowing the individual to compete with large speculation companies.

Company Director of Domain Investing- Patrick Gilbert sees this offering as heralding a new opportunity for savvy investors wishing to get a “piece of the Internet” as well as diversification of their portfolio. Says Mr. Gilbert; “We find that the people who gravitate to DotVentures are a bit more visionary and like the huge upside potential that is associated with domain investing. It really is just like a “gold rush” or “land grab” phenomenon! I tell all my investors to think of domain names as a new type of real estate. Big companies and small entrepreneurs alike are buying up what they think will be hot in the future. As an investor myself, this is the most fun I’ve ever had with my money. If you like action and making money this is the best place in the world to be, regardless if you’re a conservative or aggressive investor. To help explain our vision better, we have put together the world’s first domain name prospectus and are offering some premium domain names for investors that we believe are going to be worth a huge fortune someday real soon.”

In a nutshell, DotVentures takes Internet domain names, what they call “Internet real estate,” and monetizes them by building an optimized website and linking it with an active affiliate program. The addition of a functioning web site adds equity and an affiliate program link adds value. Additionally, the keyword optimization and patent-pending technology infused in each site helps achieve higher search engine rankings. Therefore, site traffic is dramatically increased.

Before the company acquires a domain name for an investor, it first interviews them about their potential areas of interest. DotVentures then conducts a comprehensive market study on the available domain names that fall under those identified areas of interest. They then submit the study, along with the domain investing prospectus, to the client. With the comprehensive market study and prospectus in hand, the client can confidently move toward realizing their investment goals using this information as a foundation for evaluating risk along with potential return.

Mr. Gilbert says: “We make affiliate sites for investors. These are keyword rich websites that we get ranked on the search engines. Investors get paid for a click or a sale depending on the affiliate pay out model. However, the real value is in the potential ROI when investors resell the domain with the website on the secondary market. This is a new type of investment that provides two types of return. First, there is the affiliate income. Second, there’s the ROI (return on investment) when the investor sells the monetized domain.

Zetetic, an independent domain name intelligence company, recently completed a ten year study of over eight thousand domain name transactions on the secondary market collected from dozens of sources. This study found that the average ROI (return on investment) was 377% with the average time to resale on the secondary market being just 12.5 months. Zetetic has been collecting and studying domain name market information independently since 1996. It is this “soup” of opportunity that DotVentures helps savvy investors to capitalize upon.

DotVentures, with its large portfolio of Internet properties and proprietary technologies, encourages investment in this new opportunity. To obtain an access code to view an online Prospectus please go here and click the “Prospectus” button:

DotVentures, LLC is a privately held company headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. They help individuals successfully invest in domain names. Interested parties can call them at: 888-291-2976.

Note: THIS PRESS RELEASE CONTAINS FORWARD LOOKING statements. Any expression which does not clearly relate to historical data identifies such “forward looking” statements. Such forward looking statements involve unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results to differ from any anticipated future results, performance or achievement expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. DotVentures ownership utilizes over 13 years of internet experience forcasting future performance and makes no prior obligation to update (or revise) any forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Kiloh Smith, [email protected]

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